It was clear that some people across the globe were searching for alternatives to Facebook’s applications after the new WhatsApp privacy policy ignited debate. Right now, only via invite link group chats are possible. But with Telegram 7.5, a QR code can now be generated by group owners to let users join a group by simply scanning the code. Group owners will be able to set an expiry date on the invite link as well.

  The Telegram 7.5 beta finally introduces Android support for widgets, enabling users to install a widget straight from the home screen to easily access their favorite chats and channels. The latest beta also allows the community administrator to configure an auto-delete timer for uploading messages to a public group. This can be activated in the right-hand corner of the chat from the three-dot menu or from Simple Background. It’s possible to set the timer for 24 hours or 7 days.

In the Beta, all these modifications are present, although there is no word on whether and when they will show up in the stable channel.

Telegram 7 5 to roll out for android and offers new features - 49Telegram 7 5 to roll out for android and offers new features - 28