While breaking the news, Punjab Minister for Education, Murad Raas said: “The measures planned by the government will be for the first time that any government has taken for facilitating the teachers,”

Apps for Teachers & Parents will Help Students Flourish

Now teachers would be able to get their issues solved through laptops, tablets, or mobile devices instead of going out to gather information, and in this way, they would be able to foster the right information to students. Murad also added that the government is working on computerizing the overall process of holidays for teachers as well. Previously they had to bribe to avail their due holidays. Now they would be able to enjoy holidays by applying for it on their phones. You Might be Interested in: Pakistan Books App: Get Free Online Education Also, the retirement process is made digital as earlier teachers had to apply for retirement manually and had to visit the office many times to get their dues cleared. We are also bringing other fresh initiatives to facilitate the school teachers. Those neglecting their job would now be automatically highlighted. The other app for parents will provide details regarding the best school for children, so if someone gets posted to a new city, he will be able to check out the list on the mobile instead of wandering one school and another. Also Read: PITB Joins Hands with the Higher Education Department to Provide “Rehnumai Markaz” Portal Better IT Support