Students from four selected universities around Lahore competed for a spot in the virtual grand finale last week in a series of tight games in teams of four players. The PUBG Mobile realme Gaming Championship 2022 visited University of Lahore (UoL), University of Management and Technology (UMT), University of Central Punjab (UCP), and University of South Asia (USA) to scope out the rising pool of PUBG talent and find their Lahore fleet of challengers. The event took place over two days at each university. The first day was reserved for team registration and gaining further information about the competition and the second day was reserved for the main attraction – thrilling rounds of gameplay featuring a clash of brain and brawn. Students at two universities, UCP and UoL, were also lucky enough to meet Ducky Bhai who is the most well-known YouTuber in Pakistan, known for his fun-filled content and love for gaming. Students were able to meet and greet with Ducky in between grueling rounds of gameplay and the winning teams from these universities were handed their prizes by Ducky himself. The winners of the gameplay at each university were able to win a collection of exciting realme giveaways including t-shirts, key-chains, water bottles, and notebooks and a guaranteed spot in the virtual grand finale. The top two teams from each of Lahore’s universities are listed below: University of Lahore (UoL) University of Central Punjab (UCP) University of Management and Technology (UMT) University of South Asia (USA) The players are gearing up and going over their strategies as they use this week of calm to prepare for the ultimate test of their teamwork and PUBG acumen in the virtual grand finale of the PUBG Mobile realme Gaming Championship 2022 taking place on Sunday, June 05, 2022. The prizes they seek to claim as their own are no laughing matter. The winning team in the tournament will walk away with a mindboggling amount of PKR 200,000/- as well as four realme 9 Pro+. Trailing just behind them, the second place team will walk away with an astonishing PKR 100,000/- as well as two realme C35 handsets. Finally, the third place team will walk away with PKR 50,000/- and a realme C35 handset. For gamers across Pakistan this is an exciting time to support those in the gaming community and come together for what will surely be a thrilling finale to an incredible gaming championship. Students from the featured universities should also come together to support the representatives from their university and show solidarity with them. So mark your calendars for Sunday, June 05, 2022 tune into realme’s social media pages to watch the grand finale of the PUBG Mobile realme Gaming Championship 2022.