Mozilla’s Revenue Declined During Covid-19 Crisis

In a blog post, Mozilla CEO, Mitchell Baker shared the new plans for the company that will likely provide financial stability to the company. The blog post started with the defining statement that read: “This is a time of change for the internet and for Mozilla.” It then continues: “Mozilla exists so the internet can help the world collectively meet the range of challenges a moment like this presents. Firefox is a part of this. But we know we also need to go beyond the browser to give people new products and technologies that both excite them and represent their interests. Over the last while, it has been clear that Mozilla is not structured properly to create these new things — and to build the better internet we all deserve.” The restructuring will involve users alternatives to conventional Big Tech however the company will also have layoff  250 Mozilla employees. Later on, a message was circulated from the CEO of the company who showed how difficult it was to choose restructuring and layoffs. He expressed regret for reducing the workforce of the company. These messages and blog post clearly shows that Mozilla is going through a hard time and they are not left with any other option. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the company revenue has fallen down and I guess it had no contingency plans to cope with such situations. “So going forward we will be smaller. We’ll also be organizing ourselves very differently, acting more quickly and nimbly. We’ll experiment more. We’ll adjust more quickly. We’ll join with allies outside of our organization more often and more effectively. We’ll meet people where they are. We’ll become great at expressing and building our core values into products and programs that speak to today’s issues. We’ll join and build with all those who seek openness, decency, empowerment, and common good in online life.” Let’s see whether the company will be able to come out of this loss or not. Also Read: Mozilla Firefox to Compete with Chrome